Wednesday 16 May 2012

Your First Time as an Escort

Before beginning work as a sex worker there will be many practical things you need advice on. We suggest you ring or drop in to SWOP to discuss these issues in more detail with one of our workers, who have all had experience in the sex industry.

Starting work
If you are starting work in a parlour or brothel you will find that the other workers are usually only too happy to share their knowledge and hand’s on experience about working in the sex industry. Sometimes there may be a little tension to start with as co-workers may be wary of the impact you will have on the workplace atmosphere and their earnings. Try to show sensitivity to existing egos and routines and hopefully you will receive the same consideration.

Your working persona
Sex work is very much like acting. For this reason it is the norm amongst workers to select a working or “stage” name. Try choosing a name that is not too different from your own. This can help you remember and respond to the name when someone calls you by it.
To guard their privacy, some workers create a cover story for clients and workmates. Being consistent and not overly inventive is a good idea. Be ready to respond to questions about your personal life that you don’t want to answer with remarks such as “I’d rather not talk about me – tell me something about you”, or simply “I’d rather not talk about my private life at work, thanks”.

Clothes and make-up
Before you start, check with the parlour about what sort of clothes you are expected to wear. Some establishments like their workers to wear classy evening wear, while others don’t mind you wearing more raunchy clothes or even just lingerie. When buying clothes for work be practical - think about how easy it will be to take them off and put them back on again quickly.
If the parlour expects you to be available for escorts, to include in your wardrobe something discreet so you don’t attract too much attention when you walk to your client’s door! A long overcoat is a good investment to wear on escorts.
Most parlours have lockers and it is a good idea to use them. Locking up your clothes and make-up while you are not in the girls’ room may save heart-ache and accusations if anything goes missing.

Always remember commercial sex does not mean that a client can pay money to you and then do what he likes. Most workers have a set of rules that they work by and try to stick to. Here is an example of a worker describing her service - “Standard service includes massage, head and sex. I don’t kiss. Anal sex is negotiable for an extra fee. You can cum once in a half hour booking and twice in an hour booking”. When you first meet a client, it is a good idea to specify what you do and don’t do to avoid confusion once the service begins.
Some sex workers will specialise in less standard sexual practices such as bi-couples, doubles, anal sex, bondage and discipline. It is important for your peace of mind never to do anything you are not comfortable with.
Prepare to assert yourself. Some new workers find this difficult at first until they gain confidence on the job. You will eventually come across clients who are insistent about not using condoms, especially for oral sex. Try to stay in good humour but if a client continues to insist on a service you don’t want to provide get up and leave the room. You can always make a quick excuse such as “I’ve forgotten something, won’t be a tick”. You may find it easier if the receptionist deals with the client for you.
Likewise, if a client is being insulting or trying to humiliate you, always remember you have the right to discontinue the service. In the ACT, sex workers in brothels are classified as sub-contractors – in essence, you work for yourself and hire the room from the brothel. So don’t let a brothel owner or manager pressure you to see anyone you don’t want to or do anything you don’t want to do.

How you look and behave will attract different sorts of clients and can also influence how they treat you. Expect your clients to come from all walks of life, different age groups, occupations and nationalities. Some will have disabilities, fetishes or mental and emotional problems of various sorts.
A large chunk of the money you can expect to make in the industry will come from “regulars”, clients who come back to see you again and again. How many regulars you have will depend to a large extent on how you treat the clients. Trying to have a cheerful attitude will help ensure return business.

In the ACT it is an offence under the Prostitution Act 1992, to either provide or receive commercial sexual services, vaginal or oral, without using condoms/dams/etc. Be well prepared with a personal supply of condoms, water-based lube and dental dams. Most brothels in the ACT provide condoms, lubricant and other prophylactics free of charge. This is a requirement of the Workcover Code of Practice for the Sex Industry (March 2005) [PDF] .
It’s a good idea to keep a supply of flavoured condoms especially for oral sex. Also, pink-coloured condoms are always handy for working when you have your period (used in conjunction with sponges of course!!).
Most workers find it is a good idea to take a couple of different sized condoms with them to the job, eg small and large. It is not always a case of one size fits all. Condoms are available for sale from SWOP.
Tips on how to use a condom...

When you are having sex several times a day it is important to use a good, water-based lubricant. This makes it less likely that the condom will break because it reduces friction – and causes less wear and tear for you.
Avoid massage oil as it causes condoms to break down. Sorbolene cream can be used for massages, is a condom safe and many clients prefer it as it has no scent. Water based lube is available for sale from SWOP.

Dental dams
Some workers allow clients to perform oral sex on them. Dental dams are squares of thin latex to put across your pussy if the client goes down on you. They will provide you with protection against herpes, gonorrhoea and Hepatitis B which can all be passed through saliva. Dams are available for sale from SWOP.

Practical details
If you are starting work in a brothel try to get a co-worker to come to the room with you and go over some practical details such as:
Where are the supplies of condoms, towels, soap, massage oil and tissues, etc?
How to operate the different pieces of equipment in the room and adjoining areas eg light settings, shower, sauna, video, etc?
Time-keeping procedures. Who is responsible for keeping track of time while you and the client are in the room together and how will they tell you when time is up?
Are personal alarms fitted in the room? How can you quickly alert someone if your personal safety is at risk?
How are you expected to tidy the room after use?

Starting the job
Suppose now that the introduction is finished, the client has made his choice, you or the receptionist has collected the money (money up front – always!) and you are heading to the room with him. It is impossible to provide a full description that covers all sex-work situations, so the following advice needs to be read selectively according to your workplace, whether it be private or in a brothel.
Checking the client for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Read our guide on how to do a check, and what to look for...

Structuring your time
A good question to begin the service with is “how do you want to spend your time with me.” Structure the time around your client’s answer. Many workers give a massage first to relax the client and break the ice. However, some clients don’t want a massage.
If the client has paid for an hour you don’t necessarily want to get him off in the first 10 minutes so pace yourself. Try and develop a routine that creates a balance between chatting, sensual massage and sex. This can avoid long bouts of strenuous sex, though if you feel like long bouts of strenuous sex go ahead!
Try never to give the impression you are rushing a client as he has paid his money and deserves his time. Of course this doesn’t apply if he is being a jerk.

Using condoms and lube
Most working-girls put the condom on the client themselves to make sure it’s on properly and to prevent any sabotage. Many workers find it easier to put the condom on as soon as the client has an erection without discussion or comment. Read more tips on how to put a condom on...
If a condom breaks or slips off Refer to the guide Condom broke or slipped?

Remember never to leave the client alone in the room with your money. In ACT brothels, the receptionist will take the money first but if you work privately it is your responsibility. Always take you money/hand-bag into the bathroom with you when you go to have a shower.
What you make depends on how many clients you see. You may be working with someone who makes several hundred dollars a night or someone who makes next to nothing. Sex work is highly individual. Some sex workers have lots of regular clients, some do not. Looking good and being confident is a decisive factor.
Be sensitive if you are a high earner. Don’t talk about how much you are making or count your money in public. Undercutting other workers or talking them down in front of a client is not an acceptable way of working and will make you very unpopular.

Be careful what you reveal about yourself to co-workers and clients. You may not always be on good terms with everybody and you don’t want your personal details broadcast to all and sundry. Try also to respect you workmates privacy and don’t talk about them to clients. Don’t automatically believe anything a client tells you about a co-worker, the sexual services they provide and the prices they are prepared to do it for.
Some sex workers discourage clients from confiding in them too much. Remember, if they tell you too much about themselves and their problems they may be embarrassed to see you again or may remember the encounter as an unpleasant one.
Clients usually value their privacy and may resent you asking too many questions about them, their work or their family life.
It’s often wise to try to distance yourself from your clients. If you treat all your regular clients as friends you run the risk of being hurt if they switch loyalties and visit other workers. Don’t take client claims that you are very special to them too seriously as they may be saying the same thing to other workers.
Occasionally a client will come along who becomes overly infatuated with you. Try not to lead him on and do your best to help him see reality. If he becomes a problem, eg turning up on every shift you work or ringing you constantly (if you work privately) you may have to discourage him more firmly.

Common problems in the workplace
Here are some common problems almost every worker encounters and some tips on how to deal with them.

Client’s inability to get and erection or to ejaculate
What happens if the client is adamant he wants to “put it in” and you have been patiently trying to give him an erection and nothing is happening?
You’ve tried sensual massage, body slides, erotic talk, hand relief, but his weeny still won’t cooperate? Older clients in particular may have this problem and like to hold on to the illusion that they can still perform.
“Trick sex” may work in these situations. This involves using your hand to create the impression that the penis has found an orifice. Position your hand between your legs and jerk him off. Make sure you put a condom on him and this might not always be easy on a flaccid penis. If trick sex doesn’t work you might like to encourage him to arouse himself. A man who has regular erection problems will often know how best to wank himself.
Alternatively, you can create an instant cock ring to encourage erection by unrolling a condom half way, breaking it to leave just the rolled up base and stretching it around the penis.
If it is obvious a client has had too much alcohol or drugs you need to handle the situation with care. Try not to argue with them, offer them a massage but don’t take any shit! Use statement sentences that require no response from them. If they demand their money back, and some of them will, keep your cool while maintaining that you have provided the service they requested and if they can’t get it up, that’s their problem. Reassure them that you’d love to see them when they are sober.
Do your best not to let a client’s inability to get an erection effect you. It’s not a reflection on your attractiveness or your service but is completely to do with them.

Working with your period
When you’re bleeding it’s not always possible to take time off work. Diaphragms and sponges are two recommended forms of sanitary protection available.
Diaphragms are a mini rubber dish that fits over the cervix and they have the advantage of being easier to clean and reuse. Initially you will have to have a fitting (your GP, Canberra Sexual Health Centre or Sexual Health and Family Planning of the ACT can do this) and after a bit of practice you can easily insert and remove them;
Sponges are cheap, disposable and easy to insert, though they can sometimes be difficult to remove. Sponges are available for sale from SWOP.
To insert the sponge, dampen it in water and squeeze out the excess. Insert the sponge into the vagina as far as it will go, like a tampon.
To remove, gently put your fingers inside and take hold with your index finger and thumb. Make sure you remove the sponge between clients and wash and throw it out. Sponges are single use only.
If you have trouble getting the sponge out, don’t panic. This has happened to almost every worker. Sometimes the sponge tucks itself up next to your cervix. The sponge cannot get past your cervix so there’s no chance it can travel up into your uterus and really get lost. The sponge will be easier to extract if you get into a squatting or lying down position and relax.

Good luck
Good luck with your first client and your future working career. SWOP ACT hopes this article will make your introduction to sex work a little easier. We also hope that it will encourage experienced sex workers to share their skills and knowledge with those just starting out.
Disclaimer: This information is of a general nature and is meant as a guide only. SWOP accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, currency, completeness or relevance for purpose of any material contained herein. SWOP recommends that workers exercise care when using the information and obtain professional advice appropriate to their circumstances.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

How to become an escort in Perth

After deciding that you truly want to become an escort, the hardest part of it may be figuring out what your first steps are in order to get started. Because this is a business, it's important that you establish yourself in such a way that you can move forward successfully as your client list grows. There are several steps you can take in order to successfully accomplish the work necessary to set yourself up as an escort. Follow these basic tips to get a good footing from which to grow your business:
  1. Get high-quality, professional digital photographs of yourself. It's no rocket science and can be done at home, yet you may want to budget for a professional photographer. Model photographers are accustomed to nude and semi-nude photos, as are many other photographers. If you choose the paid route, make sure you contract with a professional, as your pictures tell your story long before a client reads your ad or meets you in person. Your escort photographs should be sexy, clear and in focus and reveal personality. Some photographs are more versatile if they do not include your face. Get a variety of photos to use to regularly update your ad, website or other marketing information.
  2. Create a persona along with a professional name. Consider the type of clients you hope to attract and develop a persona based on what would attract your clients of choice. Decide on a name to use (instead of your real one). Use caution when choosing your name; you don't want it to be overly stripper-ish if you're trying to become a high-end escort. Bambi, Kitten, Barbie, Candy, Star or Destiny are common stripper and prostitute names, so it's a wise choice to steer clear of them. Use common, mainstream names that fit your persona. If you're posing as a girl-next-door-type, use an everyday name that is used commonly. If you're a biker chick, consider a rougher-sounding name. If you're working to become a high-society escort, research names of the rich and famous.
  3. Establish how clients should contact you. Get a designated cell phone for your business, along with an email address that is strictly for escorting. These contact methods should only be used for work and never cross over into your personal life.
  4. Determine your service area. Many escorts work in large, metropolitan areas. Decide which parts of the city you plan to work in. If a client is outside of the general service area, charge an additional cost for traveling to an appointment with him or her. If you're working in a smaller, rural area, designate the number of miles you're willing to travel to meet a client. If he or she is out of that range, charge extra for your time and travel costs or recommend another escort who is closer to his or her location.
  5. Create high quality copy for your marketing ad and your profile. Copy could include your measurements and information about your physical appearance, as well as your rates, services, areas you work in and anything you are not willing to do. Good terms to use include: "fit", "average" and "athletic." If you're a little plump, you may want to use "curvy" or "voluptuous." Very thin escorts can market themselves as models or "slim". Although your photos should reveal your hair color, eye color, etc., it's always nice to give those stats, too, in your ad or on your escort profile page. Your ad copy should also include your height. Your ad copy should be engaging and interesting—stay away from cliches and tastelessness, even if everyone else has their ads stuffed with those. Never indicate that you are new to the business; announcing you are new to the escort world brings out a freak magnet that will attract many undesirable and unreliable clients.
  6. Set your personal physical and emotional boundaries. By setting these boundaries ahead of time you are never pressed to make an important decision on the spot. Determine what you are willing to do physically with a client and what you are NOT willing to do. Most escorts have a small list of services they will not provide such as anal play, golden showers or kissing on the mouth. Also, very clearly establish to yourself that each client is a paying individual who is partaking of the services you are providing and not a potential love connection.
  7. Create a method to keep track of clients and appointments. You will need to create an email distribution list in order to continue to communicate with clients and a contact list that you will use to schedule future appointments. Additionally, as it's essential to never miss an appointment, you should determine how you will track appointments. Many escorts use a smart phone with its access to Calendar and Spreadsheets, while others keep track of appointments the old-fashioned way with pen and paper in a date book or calendar. You should also keep some notes about appointments and clients so you can refer back to them later when determining if you should see a client, again, and know what to expect from him or her.
  8. Create a Pinterest account. Pinterest is a new social media outlet for exposing your services. If you want to become a Perth Escort then this form of advertising can get you noticed quickly.

Wild Demon Sex

Demon sex has been portrayed in folklore through out time with the names of Succubus, Incubus, Trauco, La Fiura and the list goes on and on, each having their own unique illusion. Often the demon will just cause people to look for down right wild sex. Perhaps an enticement with inviting lingerie or a costume. But wild love making does not mean that it has to be demonized.
Demon sex is when there is an illusion or a myth regarding the activity. This happens when there is no agreement between the two parties involved. Rapist that are men, women, or anyone forcing their partner into sexual activity with out their agreement is possessed by an evil spirit I call a demon or devil. This wild sexual lie destroys the lives of both parties. The violator ends up in jail, the victim becomes terrorized for the rest of their lives, unless they can come to grips with this reality of life. Satan is truly the victor in this situation. This is his goal to destroy the lives of all involved.
With any unprotected sexual activity comes the greatest responsibility known to mankind, a child. When this happens there is always the possibility of the creation of new life that may or may not be affected in a forced sexual encounter. This is great when planned. But can lead to a life filled with a hell here on earth. 
Even when consensual, Demon’s prohibit the parties from even looking at the possibility of creating a new born or the transmission of STD’s (sexually transmitted diseases) during encounters. Thus allowing them to think that their fun filled event is going to be without cause or concern. In this instance the feeling of self gratification supersedes any thought of responsibility. This opens the door for demons to accomplish their desired myths.
Wild Sex In Truth 
Demons have a difficult time entering a relationship when there are two partners that are fully aware of what they are doing and take precautions in their agreement. The two people become emotionally free to indulge in their own well communicated delights. Including using their own imaginations with costumes, lingerie or what ever may come to mind. Demons cannot live in openness and truth they only live in lies and deception in the darkness of unspoken words and presumption. Demon sex provides a horrific sexual experience for all parties involved. 
Don’t Worry Be Happy 
The lie that Demons make us think is that nothing will happen and there will be no consequences when we indulge at the peek of our passion without agreement. They want us to be focused only on accomplishing what we want for ourselves. This is where the demon brings in other demons to gain control over our lives. Making a bad experience become worse. Demons do their work by lying to the parties involved and creating anger in their lives. But for those that are able to see the truth and recognize their mistakes, the demons are cast out. But when they are not the demons then become their lives.
The main lie of the demon sex is they make us believe that what we are doing is right without consideration for our sexual partner. They want us to be self gratified in what we are doing. This is so different than a relationships that does not allow the demons into their lives. Their indulgence in sex is free like a bird, openly discussing how to make each other reach the greatest amount of enjoyment, realizing that sex has its own parameters based upon truth. 
Let’s Have Another Drink 
The two demons that are often the third party to the sexual relationships are the demon alcohol and demon drug. They put a person into a state of euphoria having an exaggerated feeling of what is really happening. They place the focus only on what is desired with or without the consent of their partner.  
Once these demons enter in they become part of our lives. They cause a person to be constantly thinking of this euphoric state of mind and how good everything was even though the experience cannot be exactly relived. This of itself will be a distraction. In the subconscious mind the thought of  consumption and euphoria created by alcohol and drugs will consume the mind to think constantly about demon sex and wild sex even when not consuming the substances. 
A relationship without the mind altering substances will not be plagued by deception created by mind altering substances and enjoy intimate wild sex. 
Demon sex is lurking in the lives of all people waiting for the opportune moment to take advantage. The more lies that we believe from the demons the more we become a part of the demon’s home, hell. And the more we cast out lies and deceptions about sex the more we become part of heaven and we see our partners as angels from God..